Post processing

After doing a DIC analysis, we are ready to calculate the field variables and to visualize the results.

Import the toolkit:

import muDIC as dic

Calculate fields

Let’s assume we have some dic_results available.

First, we calculate the fields such as deformation gradients and strains:

fields = dic.Fields(dic_results)

The fields object is lazy and will not calculate anything before the field is quired.

Extract a field variable

If you want to extract a fields for use somewhere else, you can do this by:

true_strain = fields.true_strain()

the true_strain varialble is now a ndarray with the following shape:


in our example, this shape corresponds to the formatting: (img_frames,i,j,e,n) where img_frames is the number of processed images, i and j are the components of the true strain tensor, and e,n are the iso-parametric element coordinates.

Visualize fields

We can visualize fields manually by using matplotlib or you could use the visualizer included in the toolkit.

Now, lets have a look at the results by using the visualizer:: First, we need to instanciate it:

viz = dic.visualizer(fields,images=image_stack)

If we provide the images argument, the fields will be overlayed on the images. Then, we can use the .show method to look at a field for a given frame:"True strain", component = (1,1), frame = 45)

This will show us the 11 component of the true strain field at frame 45