Virtual experiment

Let’s now go through how you perform virtual experiments using the virtual lab package.

First, we need to import the tools:

import muDIC as dic
from muDIC import vlab

Speckle image

We will first make a high resolution speckle image, which we later will deform and downsample. First we declare variables for later use:

image_shape = (2000,2000)

For making speckle images, the toolkit comes with several algorithms and we will use one called “Rosta”:

speckle_image = vlab.rosta_speckle(

If you want further explaination on the arguments, you can look in the theory section or in the API docs.

The speckle image now looks like this:

The mesher GUI

Image deformer

Let’s now make an image deformer which stretches the image according to a deformation gradient. Firts, we define the deformation gradient:

F = np.array([[1.1,.0], [0., 1.0]], dtype=np.float64)

We then make an image deformer which uses this deformation gradient:

image_deformer = vlab.imageDeformer_from_defGrad(F)
image deformer can now take an image as argument and returns a list of deformed images::
deformed_speckles = image_deformer(speckle_image)


If we want to mimic the artefacts caused by camera sensors, we can downsample the images. I order to do this, we instantiate a downsampler:

downsampler = vlab.Downsampler(image_shape=image_shape,

This object can now be called, returning a downsampled image:

downsampled_speckle = downsampler(speckle_image)

A downsampled speckle would look like this:

The mesher GUI

Noise injection

We can now add noise according to noise model of our choice like this:

noise_injector = vlab.noise_injector("gaussian", sigma=.1)

By passing an image to this function, noise is added. By using the extreme value of sigma = 0.1, the resulting image would look like this:

The mesher GUI

Virtual experiment

These components can now be composed in a script, or we can use the virtual-experiment fascility to make an image stack directly:

image_stack = vlab.SyntheticImageGenerator(speckle_image=speckle_image,

If we as for a given image in the stack, the results from the whole pipeline will be returned:

image_five = image_stack[5]

and would look like this:

The mesher GUI