IO tools

This package contains the tools you need for importing images. Lets import all tools first:

import muDIC as dic

Importing images from a folder

Say you have a folder with a set of .png images which you want to use for your DIC analysis. We can then import them all into an image stack:

path = r"/the/path/to/the/images/"
image_stack = dic.image_stack_from_folder(path,filetype=".png")

Creating an image stack from a list of images

Say you have imported a list of images from somewhere which you want to use for your DIC analysis. We can then import them all into an image stack:

path = r"/the/path/to/the/images/"
image_stack = dic.image_stack_from_list(list_of_images)

Manipulating the image stack

The image_stack object has a set of methods for manipulating the behaviour of the stack. Let us skip the first 10 images:


and for some strange reason reverse the order of the images:


Adding a filter to the image stack

In many applications, filtering of the images prior to the DIC analysis ca be attractive.

Let us now a add gaussian blur filter with a standard deviation of one pixel to all images:
